About Us

The friendship with Raffaele began in 2016, and to this date, in addition to having a good friendship, trust and mutual respect, we find ourselves collaborating together on this new project undertaken in early June –  set to taste all the great Italian wines and concentrating all our energies in communicating about the wines of our land.

With Raffaele I had the opportunity to travel to 10 Italian regions with excellent qualities in the wine sector, tasting more than 3000 wines from June to November 2019.

During these months I have had the pleasure of accompanying him in all the tastings and collecting as many impressions and emotions as possible.


I had the opportunity to taste many wines and express my personal opinion and write my notes. This was one of the key points of my training as well as taking care of the logistics of the tasting and more,  but above all, actively being involved and emersed in the tastings.  This calibrated my palate with one of the best around and obviously defined my style.

In 2018 I had the opportunity to work at a winery in the Chianti Classico as a cellar manager and assistant to the winemaker Dario Parenti, who is also professor of Wine Business at the private institute in Florence named Lorenzo Dé Medici. I am still in contact with him today. Here I managed the winetours and this experience made me see the world of wine from another perspective, not only in knowing how to make wine and how to recognize defects and correct them but especially in being able to comunicate and explain what had been done and interfacing with the public.

From February o November 2019 I was the production manager and internal winemaker as well as assistant to the Enologist Maurizio Alongi in another winery in the Chianti.

In these past years I have had the opportunity to get to know and come face to face  with professionals in the wine sector starting from agronomists, oenologists, export managers, etc.

I am studying Viticulture and Oenology and aim to graduate by April 2020 and will thereafter work side by side with  Raffaele and dedicate my energies in this one direction.